
Hi, this is Ezekiel. This is my little hobby project to share a part of my life :)

First things first, this is my cat:


Jerry is 2 years and 7 months old.

He is a mix of Tabby, Maine Coon and lots and lots of love <3.

Jerry is a cheeky boy who loves to sleep a lot during the day, and zoom a lot at night. Just like me :) - well like I used to.

He likes to spend a lot of time alone, but when he does visit his mum and dad, he looooves cuddles and head scratches- and maybe some biting and scratches.

Jerry likes to eat beef jerky and tuna. Sometimes when we order bubble tea, he can sniff out the cheesy foam and tries to sneak in some licks.

Jerry is one of the things in my life that a value the most- and he reminds me to take care of what I love and slow down and relax when I need to.

Love you boy - Ezekiel, 20/09/2024

Jerry's Gallery